Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bete Noire

B[^e]te" noire"\ [Fr., lit. black beast.] Something especially hated or dreaded; a bugbear.

Yeah, I have a few of those.

Some of have been around for years. For instance, I have an extreme aversion to writing the letter S. I remember, the teacher that taught me cursive writing was a ruler bearing witch who made sure that my S's were started at just the right point and ended at the right point. If not, I had to write pages and pages of "s's". To this day, I hate writing the letter S.

The smell and sound of someone eating corn nuts and Fritos. It smells like a mixture between dirty feet and cow manure. (I do like the taste, somewhat, but the smell…peeyew!!) Also, just plain ol crunching with your mouth open. Chew with your mouth closed!

People blowing their noses at the table…especially when it sounds all buggery like they need a suction to get it all out. That's a good way to get me to stop eating. Blow your nose and I'm done!

On the subject of noses, another bugbear (like my new word?) is when parents pick their toddler's nose buggies, yet, fail to wash their hands afterwards. Gross!

People that fart in the same store aisle that you are shopping in. When someone else walks down the same aisle, I want to say, "It's not me, trust me, it's NOT me!!"

Speaking of stores…..I don't get why some parents will let their precious poopsie run around the store, knocking stuff over, running between clothing racks. I cringe when a kid has a tantrum at the checkout counter and the mom or dad appeases the kid by opening up cookies, chips, soda, gum, and candy only for the kid to continue screaming until he/she is outside the store. (I guess they wanted McDonald's instead?)

Why do people say, "You know what I'm saying?" when if I did know, then we wouldn't be having this conversation?

Do you have a bete noire?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I have most ALL of the ones you have, but with MY cursive writing, it was the lower=case letter *f*.

ALways made it look like some weird-ass letter *g*...that wound up blowing the wrong way in the wind...LOL.

As for the running kids...I see it ALL the time.
Those people passing as "parental guardians" (read zoo-keeprs) of these mini-minions from Hades have got them well on the way to entitlement-driven behavior.

Such a fun thing for the next generation to have to if they already NEED another "cross", eh?

Excellent post!

loved it!