Friday, July 30, 2010

Clinton’s $$$pectacular Affair!

Despite the over-the-top secrecy or maybe because of it, the world is abuzz over Chelsea Clinton’s up coming wedding. From the $15,000 air conditioned port a potties to the $250,000 flowers. The restricted air space and who is going and who was not invited ( President & Mrs.Obama). The whole wedding is rumored to cost over 3 million dollars. That is some serious money folks. If I had that money at my disposal just think of all the things I could do. I would pay off those 3 masseuses' for poor old Al Gore. I would donate some to find a cure for cancer, and to who ever runs against .. well you know who.

Now rumor has it Chelsea is vegan. If that's true, I doubt there will be all that many dead animals on plates. However, MY food choices for the formal wedding dinner is interesting to say the least, and if I were to take a guess at it; I'd have to say you might see baked possum w/ cream sauce, prime armadillo roast, orange Jell-O, a sea of greens and salads topped off with a wide array of relish trays nicely decorated with garnished red radishes and flowered parsley. I don't agree with the Clinton's politically, but I wish nothing but the best for their little girl...Who I believe is actually a closet Conservative.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

How much you wanna bet there will STILL be gate-crashers...?
The ENQUIRER is pretty darn good at that.


Have a great weekend!