Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pet Peeves

1. Fake laughter.

2. Spammers.

3. Famous people who name their children horrible strange names.

4. People who cough around me and don’t cover their mouth.

5. Negative people.

6. Clothes that shrink in the dryer.

7. Air guitar. Don’t do it. You look like a dork.

8. Junk mail.

9. Shopping carts with a bad wheel.

10. PeOpLe WhO TyPe LiKe ThIs.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Wow...I nailed EVERY one of those, too.

Used to have a nice WOOL turtleneck sweater that cost me $30 back in 1970...(half a paycheck damn near), and Mom washed it...and DRIED it...!!!

Yeah, it became a nice DOG SWEATER (pug size) after that...LOL
(shame we didn't have a PUG)

Good post!