Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I don't get it

There's something I need to share with everyone. It's a little shocking, especially given today's norms and taboos. It's understandable if y'all don't look at me the same way again. Here we go. My secret shame. My secret burden:
I don't understand Facebook.
Completely baffled by it. Personal pages for the periodic elements would make more sense to me.
What the hell is 'The Wall'? Why would I want to write on it? I'm not into graffiti, but suddenly online I'm crazy for the spray paint? Oy. (Apparently I'm a Jewish mother, too.)
What do you do on Facebook? I can't figure that out. Do you scroll through each friend's page, 'cause that gets kinda tedious kinda fast. If I see one more misspelled inside joke using "u", "wuz", or "lol", someone will die. Tonight. Presumably in a bloody way. Not sure yet.
And what do you look for? I mean, there's not much there: "Whee! Another list of popular bands flavored by just a touch of independent musicians! Whoo. . .didn't see that coming. . It's mostly the layout and "what the hell do you do?" aspects that addle my head, but what also puts a wrinkle in my brow is the cultural order. I recently got a friend request from, Gene, a guy I went to high school with. He's a nice enough guy, I suppose. I only "suppose", though, 'cause we're not friends. You could kinda call us acquaintances, but really we were more like People-Who-Vaguely-Knew-Of-Each-Other's-Existence. He was basketball; I was nothing- get what I'm sayin'? So can you do that? I've only been friending people who are/were, you know, friends. Or at least acquaintances. Should I be branching out into People-Of-Whom-I-Only-Have-A-Vague-Notion-Of-Their-Existences?
On a positive note, I like the SuperPoke thingies. They're fun, they're cute, it's all good. It's nice to know people are thinking of you half-way across the globe. And anytime you can get a booty slap from across the pond life is good, I say.
So there it is. I don't understand (or really like) Facebook. I'm open, though, to suggestions and explanations. I don't want to be a "playa hata".
Peace out. Or something.


Anonymous said...

Well, Miss thing, for those of us who have family all across the country & who also have children who do not live in the same town, it is very nice. I have become re-aquainted with long lost cousins & lots of niece's & nephew's that I would not ordinairly be in touch with.
So there you have it. My suggestion to you is if you don't like it, don't get on it.
There, I've stated my opinion.(LOL!!!!)
Your friend & buddy always...AOB

Bob G. said...

I don't "understand" it either...nor do I have any desire to do so in the immediate future.
Yeah, I could get on board more easily with the Periodic Table...!
I personally cannot stand the "butchered English" text...I have enough trouble w/ typos HERE...LOL!

Wifey's into it, and that's fine.

You can have real-time chats there, but doesn't a CHAT ROOM already DO that (and for quite some time, too)?

To me, it's more redundancies than anything else.
Of course there is the YOVILLE thing (you really don't want to know...)

Wifey is ADDICTED to that.

Think virtual scenarios with things to do, people to meet, and places to go...
Gee, sounds like GOING OUT somewhere...for REAL.

I'll stick with blogging...as "old hat" as it may seem these days.

And maybe...someday, I'll get a CELL PHONE, too.

Good post...and I agree with you 100%!

springtime36 said...

This old Granny is on facebook, and was invited by my 25yr old Grandson, who just served 4 yrs in the marines.He lives around the corner fron me! Now, how could I refuse him? It is great keeping in touch with your family far away,and close. I know things about them I probably wouldnt know...Ha Ha... Try it, you might like it...

ms nk rey said...

I got on facebook to chat with my oldest son in Australia. (He has been there 6 yrs in August.)And my Sweet baby girl away at college. I was not popular in school and have very very few friends, and even less family. I will keep trying tho. I never give up. Ever
Thanks to all for stopping by and for your comments.