Monday, July 26, 2010

This bothers me

OK, enough mystery. It’s Circus Peanuts. You know what I mean, and don’t deny it. I know you remember them and maybe at some point ate one. I was in the store and saw packages of Circus Peanuts on display. “Wow, they’re still around?” I asked myself. “Why?”
I’ve done some informal polling of friends and acquaintances. So far nobody will admit that they like Circus Peanuts. (Do I need to keep capitalizing it? Many different companies make Circus Peanuts—it’s not like it's Coke we’re talking about here.) The closest I’ve come to finding a C.P. fan is when a friend confided that his father liked them. That’s it. Nobody else. Who, then, is creating this demand?
I did some heavy duty research by typing “Circus Peanuts” into Google. I looked at the first three results and decided to take their word for it. They’re marshmallow. I never knew what the hell they were even made out of—or what they’re supposed to taste like. Not like peanuts, certainly. I vaguely recall the taste of St. Joseph’s chewable baby aspirin, but the years may be playing with my memory. Does anybody out there really like them?
Share. Tell me. Please, I just want to understand.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I thought I was your friend but you never polled me. So, I will give you my opinion anyway. I LOVE CIRCUS PEANUTS!! Always have, always will. I never buy them, because I know I don't need that sugar, but they are very tasty & I love, love, love them.
There I said it. I'm not ashamed of it & I don't care who knows it. And if memory serves me correctly, I believe all my kids love them too.

Your friend, AOB

Bob G. said...

Nope...never liked them...never will. But they do smell OK, though...LOL

Ditto for PEEPS!
(and twinkies)
Gimme the real deal whren it comes to PEANUTS.
And my marshmallows.

(anyone ever try toasting Circus peanuts over an open fire like regular marshmallows? Just curious)


Anonymous said...

When at the circus, I always ate the same kind of peanuts as the elephants. We have even shared a bag or two..I would hold out the bag, the elephant would take the whole thing and if I was lucky....drop a couple on the ground for me. I didn't do that too often tho. Elephants have a strange sense of sharing.