Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Caylee Marie Anthony

caseyanthony (2)

A beautiful little girl is dead. Left to rot in a plastic bag in a Florida swampy area not far from her home. She was missing 31 days before her mother reported her missing. 31 days. A month. Not hinting to anyone that there was anything going on for 31 days. During this 31 days, her mother entered wet t-shirt contests and was a party girl. She had a boyfriend. The child's mother (and I use that word loosely) is on trial for her murder. I have been watching this trial. The defense is bringing out all the smoke and mirrors they can. Talk of sexual abuse, an accidental drowning, the grandfathers affair, moving the body. I can understand why the defense is doing what it is. I understand it is to attempt to raise "Doubt"... Yet, at what point does the defense and Anthony herself become culpable to those they have accused? At what point does accusing her father of molestation without evidence or even family member substantiation become a crime against him? At what point do the insinuations against her brother by the defense become criminal? At what point does accusing the meter guy of moving the remains when he found them without any sort of substantiation become a detriment to that mans future? I feel that we have a great system for protecting the innocent in America. I feel we also do very well at protecting the guilty at the cost of the Innocent people around them. Too many people have been irrevocably hurt in this case. That family is destroyed now because that girl wanted to be “with” guys and party more then she wanted to care for her child. This whole ridiculous dog and pony show her lawyer is putting on would be quite laughable except an innocent little girl is dead. What next? A last ditch effort to save this pathetic lump of $hit from execution will be that her killing her baby was a religious act and therefore she is exempt from liability. With that said, Casey is due her days in court to determine the part she played in this tragedy. That is our Judicial System and I honor that. I think she is a Sociopathic Liar who got rid of any impediment (Caylee) that would interrupt her party time. But the bottom line is: This beautiful little girl is dead.

The trial is on Tru Tv Channel 204 on Dish network.


Alice said...

I haven't watched the trial..but what a sad sad sad story..for everyone.

Bob G. said...

I can't help but follow the story, and if mom did indeed do it, she is a creature of the MOST depraved kind.

In cases like this, I have absolutely NO sympathy, empathy, or any other kinds of "pathy" to give to such a worthless individual, that would take the life from a child...and in such a horrendous manner.

But, I tend to be a bit passionate when it comes to our future generations.

Excellent post.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

This is the kind of case you get when you combine obviously guilty defendant and criminally incompetant defense attorney.

ms nk rey said...

CW I wonder how in good conscience he can defend her. I don't think I could do it.

Joanne said...

I have been watching the trial and that defense lawyer has single handedly ruined several peoples reputations. they will never be looked at again by the public without some doubt. He is slime...protecting slime.
Blessings, Joanne