Friday, June 17, 2011


Maybe you read the story of the 82 year old lady who for 3 years call the same Domino’s Pizza store ordering a thin crust pepperoni pizza lightly baked and two diet cokes…every day this store got her call around 10:30am. So when she didn’t’ call for 3 days in a row the employees got a little worried. One of delivery woman asked the manager if she could go and check on her. The manager wasn’t sure and thought maybe she just went out of town. The employees didn’t think so. They had never not heard from this woman for 3 years. So the delivery woman said, ‘if you need to clock me out go ahead, but I’m going over to check on her.’ She went to her home and knocked and tried to listen for her voice. Nothing. So she went over to a neighbors home who said, “well maybe she just went out of town.” The delivery lady said, “have you ever seen her leave her house?” The neighbor admitted he never had. So she called 911 and then had to head back to work. Sure enough. When 911 arrived they found her in her house on the floor, she had not eaten in days because she could not stand up. Saved by a Domino’s delivery lady. I saw the delivery lady on the Today Show. She said her parents were older and she just worried about them and had a feeling she had to check on this lady.

I heard this story discussed on the radio. People were arguing over whether this woman should have been eating pizza so much and if she had been eating healthier she would have been able to get off the floor. Really??? I mean let’s really dissect this story.

This is an 82 year old woman with no one but the local Domino’s delivery people worried about her. She obviously is a lady with a lack of a support system. Sadly this is not unusual. Older people like their habits and get into ruts that work for them. They do the same thing every day. Many doctors will recommend eating a well balanced diet. Many doctors will say, eat what you want. If eating a pizza a day and diet coke makes her happy is it really a crime? Not in my opinion. This made her happy. And she got the interaction and security of the delivery people on a daily basis.

You know what I love about this story? I love that there are people out there who are attentive, who care about others and who have the ability to do the right thing when it’s often easier for people to ignore situations like this. And when the 82 year old woman asked 911 who contacted them, they told her Dominos….she had a big smile on her face. That melted my heart. She knew someone knew her and cared and that is what it’s about. We all just want to someone to care.


Bob G. said...

That is a fantastic story...and goes to show that people DO care.
And maybe it's good to have certain "habits".

Great post.
Have a safe weekend down there.

Joanne said...

This story made me teary. I have a Mom who lives alone and literally if I didn't check on her no one else would. Thank God for this Domino worker. There are Good people out there!! Great story...lifted my spirits. Blessings, Joanne