Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Saving money has been on my mind a lot lately. With prices going up on everything no wonder I have been trying to save money. Some ways I personally save money are:

- Shop at the local grocery stores that have gas savings attached. Buy items that you need, or can use for cheap since you use coupons then reap benefits of having money taken off at the gas pump on each gallon.

- Take inventory of your household needs and wants. Keeping track of everything on paper/notebook really helps only to spend what is needed. Also just the everyday items like toilet paper, shampoo, and laundry items.

- Shop at thrift stores. My favorite is the Salvation Army. On holidays they usually have a 50% off sale

- Put all electrical items on a power strip. Not only are you saving your expensive electronic items from going caput during a storm, but you save money if you turn the power strip off while not in use. A lot of people don’t know that even though they turn off an item that it still draws power. Using the power strip button puts a halt to the electricity.

- Pre-treating laundry stains before washing your clothing. Also use less laundry detergent and do not go by the back of the bottle. Fabric softener sheets cut in half, or use less of the liquid softener. Vinegar plus adding a few drops of EO (essential oils) is a great alternative to commercial softeners.

- Re-use your plastic bags from shopping for your little trashcans in the bathroom, or other areas in your home.

-Clip coupons. Almost every Sunday there are tons of coupons in the paper. Also there are coupons available on line, you simply print them out. Most supermarkets will double your coupons for an even greater savings. If you really like a product, drop them an email include your address and most likely they will send you a coupon for a free product.

-There are many more ways, but these are just a few of mine. Do you have any to share?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

We do a lot of those on your list...been that way for us for years.

Then again, I was brougbt up to not live beyond your means.
(and that often used to mean lots of homemade soup for dinner)

I don't think it beneath me to shop the dollar stores for food or household items...hell, lots of food items there taste JUST AS GOOD (if not better) than the name brand stuff.
We buy lots of storebrands, too...
And I AM a coupon clipper.
We even get coupons FROM KROGER every other month that save us lots of money.

As for laundry detail?
Well, I skip a cycle most times (the "cool down" one - who needs that?)...saves another fillup (2 instead of three)
And since the HOT WATER inlet valve is cracekd, it leaks all over the joint if you want hot water, so we wash things in COLD (unless we really need HOT water, then I man the "bucket brigade".
I don't stand on "formalities"

Why buy a new washer when this one still has some life in it?
(we are always looking though...for that SPECIAL sale - ditto for the range and fridge).

When it comes to electricty, I'm the "utility cop"...most days run the house in a "power-down" mode...just the essentials, until Wifey comes home.
And the savings show as much...even in the winter.

And whenever stores have sales on consumables, we stock up.
You'd be amazed at the T/P, towels and napkins you DO go through.

Yes, those litle plastic bags are being used in OUR house as well for

(great minds DO think alike)

Great post.
Continued luck with savings.

Stay safe down there.