Monday, June 20, 2011

empty nest

Many people have been asking me what it is like to live alone. As usual, I have come up with a list of both the good and the bad. You decide which is which.

1. The toilet seat is always down.

2. Towels last forever, in fact, when was the last time I washed a load???

3. My car seat stays where I left it. And I never have to adjust the mirrors.

4. I cook what I like to eat.

5. I no longer have the excuse of not running the sweeper

6. The only bladder control I have to worry about is mine!

7. My crocheting does not have to be put up off the floor or couch every evening.

8. The only person (or animal) to break my glasses is me!!!

9. There is no one to help me find my TV control, glasses, or cell phone.

10. And late at night, there is no little warm body in my bed to keep me company.


Bob G. said...

Definitely a "mixed bag" of good and not-so-good there to be sure.

But in many ways, it can be a blessing in disguise (except when you need another set of eyes to LOOK for those misplaced

Good post.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

awwww that last one made me sad :O(
I guess it has it's ups and downs.
Blessings, Joanne

ida said...

last one made me sad too.