Friday, June 24, 2011

Passive Aggressive

Do you know someone that has to always be right? Do they always have to have the last word? Why is this? Power? Control? Ego? I know that I am probably wrong more than I am right and I have NO problem admitting that. Why do I find it necessary to defend myself? Why do we get all upset and in a snit about things that for the most part don’t even matter? Some people are not happy as they go through life because they feel they are not right enough. I don’t like to be around people who always make me feel wrong. My views, opinions are mine and mine alone. No one else has to agree with me or even accept them. I am ok with that. You have a choice in life you can be right or you can be happy. You can’t always be both.


CWMartin said...

My dad was like that and passed it (by example) onto me. For the most part, I've fought my way out of it. But sometimes...

Bob G. said...

The only times I consider myself "right" is when I make sure I have FACTS to back me up...otherwise it's like going into battle with ONE BOOT ON.

And if I find myself in error...s'ok with me.

I'll do whatever it takes to get things straightened back out.

I think too much of our society todays IS fixated upon BEING RIGHT (or at least thinking they are and getting nasty defending it)...and all the time.

Sorry, that ain't gonna happen.

Being wrong once in a while is what makes us all LEARN.

And THAT learning process makes us stronger and better people.

Good post.
Have a great weekend.
STay safe down there.

Joanne said...

My problem is that I think of the comeback or reason ...way after the disagreement...then it's too late. I back down too quickly with some people especially. hate that! great post. Blessings, Joanne