Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Always Right

Do you always have to be right? always have to have the last word? is it your ego? passive aggressive behavior? or some other reason you are unaware of? I know I am wrong more than I am right but I have no trouble admitting that. Why do you have to be right? Why do I find it necessary to defend my position? Why do we get all in a snit about stuff that really for the most part doesn’t even matter to us? I will tell you, that companies go out of business because owners or managers need to be right. Fifty percent of divorces take place because people have to be right. Customers leave a business because they feel like they were made to feel wrong conscious or otherwise. Negotiations break down because people have to be right. People are not happy as they travel through life because they feel they are not right enough. Why? Is it all in the name of power? Control? Or some other emotional need? I don't really know. I do know that I don't like to be around people who always make me feel wrong. Your decisions, opinions or views are for you and you alone. No one else has to accept them, agree with them or like them. And if they don't that's just fine too. Ask yourself, who in my life am I trying to manipulate, change or invalidate by being right? You have a choice in life you can be right or you can be happy. I am learning that you can't be both.


Alice said...

Agreed! I have found much more peace in my quest to not always have to be right.

Anonymous said...

I want my Doctor to always be right,and my mechanic.

Bob G. said...

I agree with Anon on that one...

As to being "right"...I just present facts and let the chips fall where they may.

In that, there IS peace of mind.

Good post.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I AM always right...why can't people just see that! ;O)

It is easier to just let it go...and healthier too!
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

The thing I have been right about most often is how consistently wrong I am.
