Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Its not just about me:

I think that we as humans sometimes forget how small we are in the grand scheme of things. We get so involved in our lives, in our affairs, in our plans, that we forget that those things are just OUR plans. Usually something that is important to me is probably not even a blip on the radar to someone else. Some people have a voice that screams to them that they alone inhabit the world and the rest of us are merely players in some invisible soap opera. It doesn’t occur to them that each living breathing person that they know has their own little life full of their own problems (often more real than theirs) and that we for the most part spend our days focused on the things that are important to US, not on any of the things that are important to them.

As of today there are around seven BILLION people in the world (give or take a few). I can’t even fathom that many people- SEVEN BILLION. 7,000,000,000.

That’s seven billion people, all of whom have their own problems and hopes and dreams. All of whom laughed at something today, or cried at something today. All of whom will lay awake tonight worried about something, excited about something, devastated about something.

It’s not always about just us, and we are foolish to think that life revolves around us. We are but specks on the earth. This is not to say we shouldn’t live life to the fullest, quite the opposite. But we have a responsibility to our fellow humans (and the people we claim to care about) to step back once in a while and look at the world as a whole, not just at ourselves.

It’s a great big world out there.


Bob G. said...

And with that 7 Billion...we have that many UNIQUE individuals.

Now, one would think we'd embrace just a wee bit of that now and then...(the UNIQUE thing), and not worry about our "stuff" or how to best the person next to us.

There has never been another "us" in the past, and will never be another "us" in the future.

Many do not even care, sad to say.

When we recognize how UNIQUE we are and how VAST the world is, in relation TO that uniqueness, we take the first step INTO that larger world.
And we can begin to really LIVE, as a result.

This is a great post, and for a LOT of reasons.

Well done.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I Agree!!! My husband hates when people say " well, what about me?" Its like nails on a chalkboard to him. Great post!
Blessings, Joanne