Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I hate it

  1. I hate it when people tailgate me because I'm driving the speed limit. That happened to me today, and it was so annoying. Forgive me for actually obeying the law.
  2. I hate it when people poke me to get my attention.
  3. I hate it when when people twist the conversation back around to themselves. They don't seem to care about anyone else. The HAVE TO be the center of attention.
  4. I hate it when people hang up with out saying good bye.
  5. I hate it when people claim to know it all or they've been there done that in every conversation. I call them one-uppers.
  6. I hate it when there are long wait in the doctors office. Don't tell me to be there at 1;30 and take me in at 2:30, put me in a little room where I sit for another half hour.
  7. I hate it when people are professional protesters: don't these people have jobs to go to? All they do is march in circles and chant! For 40 years I have listened to "The world isn't perfect." Enough already!
  8. I hate it when people are environmental nuts: Yes, I like clean air and water too. Who doesn't? But, is there anything we do that meets your approval, and if so, what? I would like to do it before you find something wrong with it!
  9. I hate it when the green light you're coming up to turns red, for nobody. As you sit, you wait through two separate left turn arrows, for nobody. You sit at your own light's left turn arrow, for nobody. After all that waiting for nobody, you get to go.
  10. I hate it when people do not pull over for emergency vehicles, who don't stop for funeral processions, and who inflict their loud music upon everyone else.


Joanne said...

My Mom used to tap me to wake me in the morning when I was little. I cannot stand when people tap me now it makes me flinch!
Great list. Here's hoping none of those things happens to you today!

Bob G. said...

1- Ditto
2- Ditto
3- Ditto
5- Been there, done that...LMAO!
(sorry, couldn't resist)
6- I say charge THEM for YOUR time.
7- They need to really get a life.
8- Ditto
9- Wastes time and gas (Fort Wayne has too many fo them)
10- MEGA-DITTO there!

Excellent list.

Stay safe and cool down there.