Tuesday, August 23, 2011


People born before 1946 were called The Silent Generation..

The Baby Boomers are those born between 1947 and 1959.
Generation X people have been born between 1960 and 1979.

Generation Y were born between 1980 and 2010.
Why do we call the last group Generation Y ?

Y should I get a job ?
Y should I leave home and find my own place ?
Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours ?
Y should I clean my room ?
Y should I wash my own clothes ?
Y should I buy any food ?
A cartoonist explained it very eloquently below....

111 (2)

There is a lot of truth to this..


Joanne said...

The cartoon is the perfect! Everytime I see someone with their pants low like that I just want to go over there and raise them up!
Gen. Y scares me to death!

Bob G. said...


You GO, girl!

Brilliant cartoon!

Here's another one:
Y should I lift a finger to do anything in life when the government does it all FOR me?
(all too familiar these days)

Stay safe down there.