Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The hardest thing to do is...

to not be cynical when you have all the reasons to be.

to look for the silver lining in the cloud when all you see is endless stretch of darkness.

to smile when things go wrong and to say - Yeah S**t happens!

to try to find the positive side of all negative outcomes.

to not believe when others try to drive home the point that you are a loser.

to not blame others for the pain we feel each time someone fails to live up to our expectations.


Bob G. said...

I can truthfully say that the whole CYNICISM gig for me IS the hardest.
I like to think I'm a "professional" cynic (at times)...and am willing to freely provide lessons for anyone...lol.

Then again, some things tend to make me MORE SO than not...

Still, it's always interesting to "challenge oneself" in that regard.

Good post.

Stay safe and keep cool) down there.

CWMartin said...

Put me in mind of a verse from Sunday's Bible reading that I've been bugging myself about- Jeremiah 1:17- Therefore prepare yourself and arise, and speak to them all I have commanded you. Do NOT BE DISMAYED before their facess, lest I dismay you before them. Lesson being, God doesn't want us to be too cynical- and certainly doesn't want us to rub it off on others. Hard for me, especially in this day and age.