Saturday, August 27, 2011


I am getting more and more irritated by the minute. I wish people around me could get over their own inconsequential lives and stop bringing their negativity into the lives of others. I am beyond the point where I can offer empty consolation and sugar-coated words just to seem 'nice'. I am tired of people who sulk around all day thinking about their own humongously huge issues and 'problems' and spoil life for EVERY body. Just suck it in and do what you have to do; THAT is where the strength lies, not in pretending defiance at the mere hint of another trying to make light the situation, which they probably are doing to make YOU feel better and realize how infinitesimal and pointless your humongous 'issues' are.


Joanne said...

When I was 18 I knew a girl who when I would greet her by saying "Hey B how are you?"
she would respond..
"Ugh, My stomach is killing me"
"My head is going to explode!"
"My life sucks thats whats up"
"Does this mole look wierd to you?"
She was the healthiest sick girl I ever knew. Two seconds with her you wondered where your great mood went to!
Great Post!
Blessings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

I understand where you're coming from...
I tend to internalize things in life...thank God for

It's a good place to "vent" many times, and I hope that when others read it, they are also saying "I was thinking along those lines".

Keeping things in all the time isn't good.

I strive for some "balance" in that, and if you ever meet me, I always tend to be a lot more upbeat.
I sincerely WANT to be content in's way too short not to be.

Good post.

Lots of brain-food there.