Saturday, August 6, 2011


So I was out watering my tomato plants and watching the river go by, when I felt that creepy feeling that I was not alone. It felt like someone or something was watching me. I looked around and found this staring at me:* doctor_spider yep this guy. I love sharing my yard with all God’s creatures, but I wish this guy would do his thing far away from here. I nudged him in the butt with a stick to try to move him along. He stood his ground, not moving even one of his 8 legs. Watering near him seemed to make him even more stubborn. I was afraid to look away for fear he would leap thru the air and bite me, which would cause me to have heart failure and die on the spot. I was ticking off my options and turned my back for a mere nano second and when I turned back around he was gone. OMG Total Panic. Where did he go? Was he on my head? Did he run up my leg? Or was he just hiding nearby and laughing at me? He is probably still out there lying in wait and enjoying my anxiety while waiting to make his next surprise appearance.

*( not the actual spider)


CWMartin said...

He'd have gotten more than a "nudge in the butt" from my stick!

Bob G. said...

Only one word describes *my* repsonse to "Mr Spider":

Problem solved.


Stay safe (and enjoy the rain) down there.