Monday, August 29, 2011


I don't understand. They say people are having a hard time finding jobs that there isn't jobs to be found. Yet, when I go look there are TONS of job listings. I was looking at State of Indiana, Cities of Fort Wayne and Indianapolis, federal job and the job listings went on and on. I didn't even hit the private sector. Where are these people looking for jobs? I will grant you that the pay may not be up to what you use to make back when Reagan was in office but a job is a job right? Hypothetically, if I were to lose my job today, for one, I can live on unemployment without much problems (just means no more shoes for me), two I am pretty sure I can pick up a waitressing/bartending job somewhere (use to make great money just no bennies) and three I would be sending out my resume until every HR department knew my name. I don't know, I never had a problem finding a job. Work is work and yes, there are times when you aren't working at your dream job or even a job that you are proud to say you are working at your age (waitressing). So I ask again, why is the unemployment rate so high? Where are these unemployed people looking to find jobs? Are they even looking? Are their skills so specialized that jobs that fit them aren't there? Maybe you should apply for jobs that aren't in your normal skilled trade. I mean if you aren't working is waitressing or flipping burgers really that shameful? At least you are working. I'm just saying.


Anonymous said...

As my son-in-law found out, some people won't hire you when they look at your resume. They will tell you that you are over-qualified. Doesn't matter if you are willing to do just anything, as he is.

Anonymous said...

AOB, He needs to redo his resume and leave some things out.

Bob G. said...

I agree with AOB on the whole "over-qualified" gig...
They DO say that...and it makes you wonder WHY (if they NEED a pair of shoes to fill a position)?

A JOB is a JOB...period.
ANd being OVER-qualified is better than UNDER qualified any day, right?
It makes no sense.

And yes, better to "omit" things on a resume and not give an employer reason to dismiss for being TOO damn good.
What is scary is that damn near 50% of the populace on gov't assistance...with unemployment close to 10%.

Very good post and comments.

Stay safe.