Friday, December 30, 2011

5 on Friday:

1. Do you think 2012 will be better for you or worse?

I am just thankful it will be, if you know what I mean.

2. This Christmas season did you anything to help others?

Yes I did but I would rather not share it on here.

3. What was your worst Christmas ever?

I have had some really bad Christmas’s but not anymore. My worst involved my ex, drinking and the river. Very bad.

4. Do you snoop at Christmas?

Nope, I love a surprise.

5. Are you a big party person on New Years Eve?

Who me? I am an in bed early sort of person, after all the amateur drinkers are all out on that night.

(my internet and home phone was down for 3 days)


Bob G. said...

1- I WANT to say better, but I'll reserve my optimism for the time being. Don't wanna disappoint myself.
2- Oh, yeah...especially the ones with four legs and those troopers missing limbs.
3- The first one after Dad passed...was pretty rough for me AND Mom.
4- Nope...outgrew that a long time ago.
5- Never really was, but there was a time back in 1979..THAT was a great New Years - always remember that one.
Nowadays, around HERE, all the GUNFIRE (from the ethnic morons)helps keep you up WAY past midnight (where's the FWPD when you NEED 'em?)

Gonna be a"fun" time...(again)

Do have YOURSEKLF a great New Year.

Stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back! Happy New Year!yamf
