Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wooo Hoooo I’m back

Wow I really missed ya’ll. It is flat weird not having my lifeline working and not to mention my phone being out. The internet is such a part of my every day life, and I felt like I had lost a body part while it was down. Every morning I grab my coffee cup, have a chat with my friend in Jawja, and read all my favorite blogs. I also missed being able to run in set down and look up something quickly and easily. I mean this internet thing that old Al Gore invented is so useful and entertaining. I am back for now and I am praying everything is ok and I don’t have any more outages. So far so good.. I sure have a lot of catching up to do.


Bob G. said...

Yeah, it's almost as bad as having all these penpals and then spraining your wrist...

Nice to know the government has got us covered on this one...(I think).

DO have youe self a safe and prosperous New Year.
( and if you ever want to hear what it sounds like when police DON'T patrol an area with too many illegal guns and too much alcohol and drugs...feel free to stop on by...on second thought, you're safer where YOU are)

See 'ya NEXT year.
(God willing)

Alice said...

3 days! Scary

Glad you're back. Happy New Year:)

colletta said...

You must have Frontier? Have a happy New Year and many more!

ms nk rey said...

Colletta, Yep it is Frontier. My repairman was super nice as was everyone I talked to on the phone. ( I have a cell phone) but the scheduling of repairs leaves much to be desired. For example they did a modem upgrade for a friend, before fixing my outage. Priorities I think NOT. So far my outages total 8 days in the last couple of months. When it works it is wonderful, when it doesn't well you know... Happy New Year to you and your family.

CWMartin said...

And that's why I'm loyal to comcast. Never a problem that's lasted a day, let alone three.