Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Is Over

So, Christmas is over, and everyone goes back to hating one another, treating one another like dirt and generally crushing the spirits of any who happen to get into their way. Right?
No. Not really. Do you know what I honestly believe? I believe only a few people actually change over the Christmas Holiday. I think most of us act the same all year. It's just that few people pay attention until this time of year. The people who helped me did not do it because Christmas was coming. They did it because that is what they do. And they do it all year. The media likes to perpetuate the stereotype that people are only nice at Christmas - which means all the generosity and kindness is phony. I say that's the lie. The truth is, people who are nice are nice all year. Kind people are kind all year. Helpful people help all year. Giving people give all year. The list goes on. (It also includes the crap behaviors, such lying, cheating, stealing and what have you.) We don't change for a day and then change back. Not really.
But how was your Christmas? I hope it was at least as much as you desired. Since I cannot hear your answer now, I will tell you how my day went.
For me, Christmas began on Christmas Eve. I watch my all-time favorite Christmas Movie: A Christmas Story starring Darren Mcgavin. When it originally was released in theatres I did not go see it. It sounded dumb. Then, I caught it on television and fell in love with it. Then I did something which has become a tradition for two years now: I watched logs burn in a fireplace on television. The entire concept is stupid, and yet I watch with great fascination. It's about thirty minutes long, and Christmas music plays. I didn't stay up to midnight this year. I was crabby and I shut down early.
I got up early. The kids came by with Chinese food, we ate and then the packages were handed out, Everyone seemed happy with everything they got. We all watched A Christmas Story marathon on TV. After that the day was over, everyone left, and I shuffled off to bed.
I hope your day was good. I know not everyone had a good one, and if that includes you I am sorry. Maybe things will begin to improve for you now. I hope so.
Have a great day today! God bless you!


Alice said...

We had a very nice day, ate too much and watched movies. The weather was so nice here in the city yesterday, too. Sunny and warmish.

I like what you said about Christmas and people in general. It's true!

Bob G. said...

They had that YULE LOG "fireplace" on the CMTT channel...LOL
I called in WIfey to watch it.
You burn some BALSAM incense and it comes pretty close to the real deal (trust me on this one)

And we saw A Christmas Story, too...
AND Garfield's Christmas Special.
AND Prep and landing (a new fave).
AND Scrooge.
Gonna need a couple more TVs around here...set on different be "more efficient"...LOL!

AND yes, we had CHINESE FOOD too day before Christmas Eve...and then some)

We're more alike than we know...I love it.

Stay safe (and warm) down tehre.
And God Bless.

colletta said...

Glad everyone enjoyed their day as I did. Too much food, and oh, so good. My daughter-in-law is a wonderful cook, as is my daughter, so you cam imagine all the food I ate (that I did not need)Nice to go to their house's now after my years of cooking...