Thursday, December 22, 2011


When I was a little girl, and I might have done something "bad", my mother always used to tell me I was naughty. If I heard that word once, I heard it a million gazillion times. I think all children are born innocent and are not inherently naughty, but they do manage to get themselves into trouble by being overly curious, or perhaps imitating what other children are doing. Or perhaps they haven't been taught the difference between right and wrong yet. I don't think my mother meant any harm by saying what she did, but as a child, it was imbedded in my brain. The word "naughty" rang in my ears for many years, and I grew up thinking I was a bad person. I have always felt that I did not deserve all the good things that other people have, and I often describe the feeling as being "outside the candy store, looking inside at everyone else". Inside my heart, I know I am not a bad person, but perhaps rather to the contrary, I might actually be a good person.
I wish I could make me feel better about myself -- for a while, anyway. But it has always been a struggle for me, because I know I don't treat people badly, and in my heart I am not "naughty" and I always have good intentions.
Over the past few years, I have observed some behaviors by other people -- good people -- that have laid me flat with their selfishness and insensitivity. I know they meant no harm, but I have seen people do and say things that I would never do -- things that would be incomprehensible to me. It has made me realize as well, that we are all only human. Sometimes people's behaviors are based on lack of knowledge, or misinformation, or perhaps a misunderstanding of how other people will be affected.
I was having a conversation today with my friend about the theory of "six degrees of separation". It is an interesting theory, and it made me realize how closely we are all connected, and how much everyone's behavior can have repercussions on others. The smallest thing can have a huge effect, and I always try to consider how my behavior, my actions or my speech will affect the people around me. I'm not perfect, but I try very hard not to hurt other people. I think sometimes we have a tendency to be overly critical of ourselves, and maybe sometimes we can realize we're not so bad after all.


Alice said...

I know what you mean. I think we are only human after all too and we need to be good to each other and in some degree to ourselves.

Jesus said to love our neighbor as our self....what I always failed to realize is that if we are really going to love our neighbor as our self, we have to love our self!

Religion screams...blasphemy! How dare you love yourself, you're a dirty sinner. Something ain't adding up.

Bob G. said...

It's often said that WE are our own WORST critic...
Still, we can appreciate such flaws, for they instruct us on how to understand not only ourselves, but others.
You nailed it with others lacking knowledge when it comes to acting wrongly.
We're all guilty of it, but we also know that we can move on FROM that.
Whatever "lapses" we might have should never be touted over whatever good we do along the way.

You're right...when it's all boiled down, we ARE pretty decent folks.

And THAT is what's important.

Excellent post.

Stay safe (and comfy) down there.

CWMartin said...

Ma is right. You can't love anyone the right way until you love yourself, and seeings as we wear that skin 24/7, it can be hard to do. Thats why others loving us feels so special. In the end, we're all "for better or for worse" with ourselves. If you know youre a good person, and WE sure know it, thats as good as it gets. And if someone puts an undeserved halo on you once in a while, just nod and smile.;)