Friday, October 26, 2012

5 on Friday

1. Think back to your years of Trick or Treating:  Which one of your past Halloween costumes are you most proud of?
 This one is easy. My favorite costume I was a gypsy! This was in the 60's and I had a flowing skirt made from scarves, very bright and colorful. My long hair had flowers in it. I wore lots of beads. LOL maybe I was a hippy but it was supposed to be a gypsy!
2. What is the format of your favorite radio station?  (In other words, what type of music does it play?)

My favorite radio station plays music from the fifties, sixties, seventies, and eighties.
3. What is the oldest thing in your medicine cabinet?

Oldest thing in my medicine cabinet is a box of band aids. It is metal, any one remember those? It is about 30 years old.
4. What kind of book do you most prefer:  e-book, hardback, paperback, audio or library?

Favorite type of way I can pick that. If it has words it is a favorite.
5. What is your favorite comfort food and when was the last time you felt bad enough that you needed a big helping of it?
Chocolate is my favorite comfort food. About 2 weeks ago life was bad for me and I bought some Milky Ways  and ate them all.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

1) MY astronaut costume - think that was 3rd grade.
(never took the hint and followed up on that)

2) ALWAYS CLASSICAL, except for the one in the computer room. That bounces between WOWO (weekdays) and WBNI (weekends)
But the oldies station is always on the PRESETS.

3) I also have a metal band-aid blade razor is over 20 years old, but I can still get refills for it.

4) I like TANGIBLE goods - books I can hold. Hardcover or paperback...doesn't matter.
And we have the "library" to prove

5) My ALL-TIME favorite comfort food would be a Philly cheesesteak or Montessini's Pizza (Philly, too)...haven't had THOSE since the turn of the century when om passed.

Fallback foods would be Sno-Caps, Junior Mints, or Milk Duds.
(spent a lot of time at movie matinees as a youngster - can't 'ya tell?)

Good list.

Stay safe down there.