Friday, May 10, 2013

5 on Friday

1. If you had to be part of some reality show, which would it be?
The Amazing Race

2. What would your challenge be for "Fear Factor".
Any of them where I had to go way up high as I have a fear of heights

3. Which reality show do you enjoy watching?
The Amazing Race, Real Housewives

4. Which reality show would you never be caught dead watching?
Jersey Shore, Teen Mom’s etc.

5. What's so fascinating about reality shows anyway?
They are more authentic and engaging than scripted television and I love to see a good screaming match between “Ladies”. (Real Housewives)


Bob G. said...


1) I suppose Top Shot!

2)Having tarantulas crawl over me...that's why I don't watch that show. Large bodies of water are a no-no with me, too.

3) American guns, Top Shot, Sons of Guns (seems to be a "theme"

4) EVERY single other show...LOL.

5) You and my wife would hit it off...she loves to see a good "catfight" w/ rich bitches...LOL
I like the gunsmithing aspect to my shows, and shooting expertise.

Good list.

Have a Happy Mother's day and a great weekend.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1. Chris hits the lottery.
2. Nap taking.
3.Deadliest Catch
4. pretty much anything else
5.I'd give you a long story, but my previous answers give me away...