Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Thursday Visit with Morgan

Morgan and Corbin came to visit and played with the mega blocks and wooden blocks.  Kept them entertained for a long time and they even used their imagination to write their names with the blocks.
Here is a closer look at the handiwork.
Then they built this very high tower.  They were very busy for a very long time and there was no electronics involved, not even TV.  A fun time was had by all.


Anonymous said...
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Alice said...

Blocks are the best!

Bob G. said...

If there is one thing that I really miss from my childhood, it's the innocence of being able to just PLAY...and with the simplest of things like BLOCKS.

(hate to step on a MEGA-block in the middle of the night...LOL)

And yes, we can add Tinkertoys and Lincoln Logs in the mix, as well.

Looks like the kids had a great time...and all without a TV.
That's wonderful.

Good post.
Stay safe down there.

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