Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Things I have learned about cooking.

These are recent tips I've learned about cooking and food.
1) Refrigerate an onion for at east a half hour before cutting. This way, you won't cry. For a crybaby like me, this is awesome. I've tried lots of things to not cry from onions and this works well. I didn't have a tear!
2) Salt eggplant before cooking. After you slice your eggplant, salt one side and let it sit for 15 minutes. You will see the liquid droplets on the surface of the eggplant. Then turn the eggplant over and salt the other side. Let it sit for 15 minutes and proceed to cook. This makes it much more flavorful.
3) If you want the medical benefits of garlic, use it within 15 minutes of chopping. After that, it loses 90% of it's potency. Bad news for me, who just bought one of those massive jars of prechopped garlic!


Bob G. said...

Aside from the eggplant, I agree 100% with onions and garlic.
Our onions are always refrigerated.

Hey, maybe the pre-chopped garlic was BOTTLED within 15 minutes of being chopped...LOL.

(you can hope, anyway)

Stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...

A pink round bassinet with pink decorative bed linen can really
look stunning any time of the day or night. The same is the case with excess protrusions in the chassis of the system, which must
also have a high-quality mattress. A toddler bed is often
used when the baby gets a little bigger.

Bob G. said...

(those damn anonynmous shiatsu massagers are at it again...LOL)