Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thoughts today.

I probably wouldn't kill so many houseplants if they could scream for food and water the way my kids did.

I am so old that I was on the research and development team that came up with the formula for dirt.
I am wondering why the phrase, "It's none of my business" must always be followed by, "but"?
I love seeing someone who thinks logically. It provides a nice contrast to the real world.

I think that tact is the ability to close your mouth before somebody else wants to.

I type 100 words a minute but it is in my own language.

I don’t understand people who eat black jelly beans.


Alice said...

I am wondering why the phrase, "It's none of my business" must always be followed by, "but"?

I seem to do that:P

Bob G. said...

Now THOSE are some things to get my mind off of feeling so lousy today...heh!

BTW, black jelly beans are GREAT!
And I tend to "type in tongues"...LOL

Thank you.
Stay safe down there.