Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cleaning aka as wasting time

You guys, when it comes to cleaning, I'm pretty sure I've got some form of ADD. I've got nothing but the best of intentions when it comes to cleaning the filth pit that I call my house (OK, not so much filth as general mess). Me trying to clean goes a little something like this:
First, I convince myself that I just need to focus on one room at a time. So, maybe I pick the kitchen. I start clearing out some of the clutter, throwing things away and putting them back where they belong.
Brain Dialogue: "Oh look--cold medicine from when I was sick three weeks ago. I'd better go into the bathroom and put that in the medicine cabinet." [off to the bathroom I go]
"Dear lord! Would you look at what a mess this bathroom is? I know I'm working on the kitchen right now, but if I could just pick up a few things in here, I'm sure it would look MUCH better!"
So, I pick up the clothes that have gathered on the floor, and I start to clean up the vanity when I happen to glance into the mirror.
"Wow! My chin hair need some serious grooming!" So, I do that for 10 minutes. "Oh look--there's my dental floss. Better floss my teeth! La la la la la. love in an elevator..."
Then it occurs to me that I was supposed to be cleaning--focusing on the kitchen, as a matter of fact. So, I go back to the kitchen. Where I notice a new magazine that I haven't read yet. I start flipping through the magazine. Five minutes later, I am back with a renewed sense of purpose.
"You know, maybe I should just wash the dishes. That way I won't be as easily distracted." But, before I start the dishes, I remember that there was a cup sitting next to the computer, which I had better go get so I can wash it. Unfortunately, in the process of getting the cup, I come too close to the internet force field and ohmygodit'sbeenatleast30minutessinceIcheckedmyemail!!!!! Easily  half an hour passes before I realize that I'm thirsty, and I return to the kitchen without the cup that I was getting in the first place.
Please tell me I am not the only one.. Please.


Bob G. said...

I'm guilty as well...I start (really) small, and then something else catches my eye, and before I know it...I got me a bloody PROJECT on my hands...LOL.

But I do manage to keep it all in one specific cleaning.

Still, it's a wonderfully fragmented existence, isn't it?


Good're not alone.

Stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...
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CWMartin said...

The Martin method consists of: 1. Don't notice mess until it becomes obvious. 2.Ignore thereafter until it becomes annoying. 3. Once it becomes annoying, glare at it and grumble how someone should do something about it. 4. Wait till one day Laurie's not around so you can clean it up and go, "Look what I did!" when she gets back.

Joanne said...

Nope you are not the only one. I too have that problem...maybe theres a support group for people who want to clean and stay focused but ....ooooo theres that photo album I was looking for last week....aww what a cute er....I totally know how you feel.
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

We all have it, it is called "but first disease". Fitst you need to do #1, then discover, but first you need to get item #2 fixed,cleaned,sharpened or whatever but before that can be done item #3 comes into view! And on and on and on............