Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And The mice get their revenge

I am at war with mice. I do believe I've managed to eliminate all of them from my domain. All the live ones, that is. So this morning I emptied out the lower cabinet where they seem to have been partying the most, and cleaned and bleached it. Since the mice had been all over down there, I washed every dish and container I had stored there.
This particular section of cabinet is awkward to reach, all the way to the back, because it was stuck in a corner of this old house as an afterthought, probably 50 years after the house was built. So it's where I keep lots of Tupperware and such that I seldom use.
I have washed dishes and stacked them everywhere to dry. I'll bet some little mousie angels were watching and laughing.
Oh, the other part of their revenge is the awful smell of decomposing rodents in my kitchen! I have looked everywhere, but I can't locate the final resting place of the stinking carcass of a mouse (or two) that D-Con got the best of. Ewwww.
By the way, is it just me, or are dish drainers getting smaller? I suppose it has to do with the fact that most people use automatic dishwashers, but I wash my dishes by hand. I really need a big drainer!

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Yes, dish drainers ARE getting SMALLER...and they don't stack dishes like the way they used to when Mom had hers...!
It vexes me to NO end.
I have to tilt the dang thing with dish towels to get it to DRAIN properly.

Shoddy construction and too small for REGULAR dish sizes...who thinks this stuff up, anyway?

What a piece of crap!

As to the rodent smell?
Probably got one under the fridge...they LOVE that warm area, and Lord knows I've cleared MY share out of other's homes in times well past.
Could also be under the dishwasher (if 'ya have one)

With MY nose, I could probably find it and have it removed in minutes.
It's both a blessing AND a curse...LOL.

Have a great humpday!