Friday, September 10, 2010

Pet Peeves:

  1. People who scrape their fork around the plate.
  2. People who can't seem to understand that " red eyes" are possible to remove in photos.
  3. People who assume far too much.
  4. People who are always negative.
  5. People who tell you "Oh! You have to try this! It's the best thing ever!" And when you do try it and it sucks.
  6. People who can't decide on one radio/tv station, and constantly flip back and forth.
  7. People that do not flush the toilet in public restrooms.
  8. PeOpLe WhO tYpE LiKe ThIs.
  9. People who say I can't, without even trying.
  10. People who don't want to learn anything new because they know it all.


Bob G. said...

Again, I begin my weekend with a it.

#3 - Like our GOVERNMENT???

#5 - I've been snookered that way a few longer!

#8 - they "think" they're cool...they're NOT.

#9 - My Dad always said to me:
"Can't means WON'T."
I believed him THEN...and still believe it NOW.

#10 - NO ONE ever knows it ALL...and I KNOW...LOL!

Thanks for the look inside ourselves.
Have a great weekend!

Sheri said...

I also hate when people TyPe LiKe ThIs, but I also hateeee whennnn teenssss typeeee likeeee thissss!

I don't like CAN'T, but I also hate "I will". We tell Dustin that "I will" means "You didn't".

Thanks for the laugh!