Thursday, September 16, 2010


I'm a procrastinator by nature....I think I love both the adrenalin rush that I get by waiting until the last minute to get something done, and the sense of relief that comes after I've successfully completed the task. This is especially true when the task involves something that I really don't want to do. I avoid things that I don't want to do until I'm backed into a corner with nowhere to turn. I've learned that:

  • I can do just about anything that I put my mind to
  • I am intelligent
  • I am courageous
  • I am strong
  • I have substance at my core
  • I am not afraid to try new things - even if I can't do them perfectly
  • When I get around to doing the things that I've put off, the actual experience of doing them is not as bad as what I've been thinking it would be. If I do them on a timely basis, it would lessen the drama that lives inside my head!
  • It's OK to not be perfect
  • Having balance in my life is important!
Even though I am struggling, I am enjoying the process - and learning that although my old body may have some limitations, my mind and my attitude do not. I'm actually having fun with it all!


Bob G. said...

I agree w/ you 100%!

I will try new things, as long as they have a reasonable amount of safety attached to any risk presented.

Not gonna bungie jump off of anything, nor swim w/ sharks in the near future...that's a GIVEN.

The mind is usually willing, but that body doesn't want to play these days.

I don't really TRY to procrastinate, but sometimes, I get a bit overwhelmed, and have to back up a few paces and re-prioritize things.

Things I thought were THAT important aren't all that much, and get moved to that "back burner", while things I may have overlooked, get sent to the "head of the class" and subsequently taken care of.

And many times, THAT is it's own adrenaline rush...!

At least there is parity there...most times...LOL.

Very good post.

Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to reply , but maybe tomorrow. till then ....