Thursday, September 2, 2010

Boring post about me.

1. I am easily distracted, not always by shiny things, I once put on a tablecloth half way, then got distracted.

2. I was never offered drugs in high school.

3. I wonder why people spend more time complaining than changing.

4. I like the word wasabi.

5. I have friends who wouldn’t be annoyed if I called them at 3 a.m.

6. I sort my M&M’s by color and eat them by number order.

7. I once found a package with no yellow.

8. I wish I could garden I would love a flower garden – the English castle kind of garden.

9. I love reality TV.

10. I consider myself a textile artist. ( Or a compulsive Hooker?)

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I"m also guilty of a few of those...must come with "experience"...LOL

I ALWAYS save the BLUE M&Ms for LAST (I hear they make you live longer)

I would KILL to have an ENGLISH garden...with lots of lavender.

I only complain because no matter HOW HARD I TRY to change one is listening.
(it's a ghettohood thing)
And this is NOT the person I used to be.

I was offered drugs in high school...once, and declined.

I onloy like reality TV when it's REAL and in NO way contrived to any degree.
(I like the SWAT shows, Police Women of..., DEA, Survivorman, and Man vs Wild)

Good list.

Have a nice (soggy?) day.
We need the rain.
