Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sister Wives

Sister Wives is TLC’s new reality show about polygamy.

Kody Brown is the biggest con man I have ever seen. He struts around the house with a smirk on his face and his 3 adoring sister wives fuss over him and pray to over come their jealousy. All the time saying how he is doing what is best for his family of 13, or 14 or ??. (A couple of his wives look pregnant.)

During this first show he sets his kids and wives down and tells them he is “courting” Robin a woman he has his eye on to become wife number 4.

Kody does his best to keep his polygamist life secret from his work and the outside world. He drives around in a sporty white Lexus Convertible. (Total family car.)

It's creepy because it is directly connected to sexual abuse and brainwashing of young girls and women. And then this fool gets to act out his untreated sex addiction as an open lifestyle to top it off. Not to mention the brainwashing of the children who are raised to believe that this is how life should be and the female children being taught every single day that this is all they deserve.


Bob G. said...

I can't get into the whole polygamy gig...

I mean on the surface having all thiose women at a man's beck and call SEEMS enticing, BUT...
I'm one of those guys that doesn't feel like LYING my ass of to protect my "pride", and I'd hate to be in the middle of some wifey-cat-fight!!!

PLUS, getting gifts for ONE wife works for me...ONE birthday to remember.
Ditto for anniversaries.
I'd need a secretary to handle a multi-wife lifestyle and calendar!
(especially when resolving unforeseen issues)

Can't make your case well when you're OUTNUMBERED...LOL.

ONE wife is PUH-LENTY!

Any more, and it diminishes each woman proportionately.
(and kills the man off prematurely)

But that's just my (monogomous) opinion.

Good post.

Anonymous said...

I have several good candidates for his next wife. Any one of my divorced ones would dry up his desire for a Polygamous lifestyle. Better him than me!

ms nk rey said...

I am now thinking maybe he should "marry" Kate Gosslin, I bet she could wear him down.

CWMartin said...

Y'know, the real topper is this loser gets his own tv show!