Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Things I miss

Smoking. I haven’t had a cigarette in years. I miss the feeling of calm it gave me on a bad day. I don’t miss the smell or the bad health effects.

Optimism. I miss looking at the world with a glass half full view. I’m becoming far too pessimistic and am trying to combat it, but some days you just want to throw things and cry.

Adult interaction. Not THAT kind you sickos. Just the normal everyday interactions with the outside world. I need to leave the house more.

Spicy food. My stomach is kind of a jerk lately. I’m stuck eating things like toast with peanut butter and bananas. It’s boring.


Alice said...

Ex-smoker here, too.

I can't say I really, miss it, but I do like the smell. And for some reason dream that I am still smoking sometimes.

Bob G. said...

I suppose what I miss most is also the "interaction", esp. w/ people that I remmeber be they family or dear friends.
Many are gone, and others are too far away to "pal around" with.

I also miss the way life "behaved itself" in times past...
Didn't matter how bad you might have had it...you still were a lot more upbeat and got through it all.

Always seemed to have a lot more week at the ends of our money then, too...lol

Good post..
Stay well & safe down there.

Joanne said...

I hear ya about the spicy food. lately I get horrible heartburn just by eating pasta with sause. Bummer! Blessings, Joanne