Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year


My Grown up Wishes for the New Year.

1. I want to live life joyfully, health, both emotional and physical health and strength to persevere even when I feel like I'm hitting a wall.

2. I want peace, peace from my past.

3. I want to have whatever tools it takes to keep in touch with family and friends.

4. I want to have Plenty Of Dark Chocolate: Who am I kidding? I wish for this all the time.

5. I need a reason and a way to step away from the computer for more than an hour at a time, so I can actually accomplish something.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

--I can do #1, but that would involve using a lot of my stored ammunition.
--I'd like to relive MY past...a LOT.
--Not much family left for me, so it's to whatever friends I still have...and maybe making new ones.
--You and me BOTH with dark chocolate!
--Not a problem with me...the "locals" see to that.

Do have yourself a BLESSED New Year.

Stay safe down there.