Friday, July 6, 2012

5 on Friday

  1. What means success to you? This is an interesting way of asking the question. Success means the opposite of failure, I suppose: accomplishing the task you set out to do or reaching a goal.
  2. When did you feel most successful in your life thus far? I have done many things that made me feel successful, I raised 3 boys to be productive members of society, they are excellent fathers and husbands and sons. They, of course, would be my greatest success. I have also successfully run my own business for over 20 years.
  3. What was your biggest success others helped you to achieve? I think it is my feeling of peace.  It came from within and from the support of family and friends.
  4. What was your biggest self-made success? I live in a big old house all by myself. I’m not able to do a whole lot. With all my health problems living alone is epic for me.
  5. What can you learn about success from failing?  You don’t necessarily know how to do it, but you certainly know how not to.  I also learned I like success much more than failure.


Bob G. said...

Five on Friday - best way to beat the heat THIS side of the Mississippi!

1) I think you measure success NOT by all you HAVE, but ALL YOU BECOME.
In the short term, accomplishing a specific feat, goal, or task DOES mean that you have NOT failed. I do agree with you there.

2) WOw...that's a hard one.
Several times, however fleeting it was back then...these days, each success is measured by whether I can see the sun come up...small victories DO add up...LOL.

3) I think it's the person I have become...parents. teachers, mentors, bosses...they ALL helped a lot...more than they probably knew.

4) It shouldn't all be about "stuff", but the ability to purchase a new car 29 years ago (that I still own)..and pay it off without going into hock out the butt...those were the REAGAN years, too...who knew?

5) That there is ALWAYS a tomorrow...a kind word, a helping hand...and a living God.
Without those, it's hard to anything.

Excellent list today.

Hope your weekend is great.
Do take care and stay safe down there.
(keep cool)

ms nk rey said...

Bobby I think this 5 on Friday thing is really letting everyone get to know each other. We are all much more than we appear. Thanks for stopping by my blog daily and for your comments. It means a lot to me. I pronounce Friday thing a success!

Anonymous said...

Mz. rock!