Monday, July 9, 2012

5 Things

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics: 

Does this include those songs where you make up the lyrics because you can't understand all the words? Oh well here goes

99 Bottle of Beer on the Wall
Row Row Row Your Boat
Happy Birthday
Oh come on, who really knows all the words? All we really know is the chorus.

Five snacks you enjoy:

BBQ Chips
Tortilla chips and salsa
Dark Chocolate

Five things you would never wear again:

Fluffy handcuffs
Saddle Shoes ( if you don't know what those are, you don't deserve to know)
knee socks
Ruffles on anything


Anonymous said...

You did not come up with 5 songs, just 3.
I don't think I could come up with 5 songs either. Like you, I would know the chorus & thats all.
5 snacks I enjoy are:
Ice Cream
Tortilla chips & cheese dip
Milk choc. candy
5 things I'd never wear again:
Tube top
Mini skirt
Short shorts
Girdle (hate them)

That was fun.

Bob G. said...

--FIVE songs?
Does that include commerical jingles and TV themes???
(And that includes songs I change the lyrics Weird AL Yankovich)

--ONLY 5 snacks?
(I like a LOT more than just 5)
1) Zagnut bars.
2) M&Ms
3) nlack licorice
4) blueberry yogurt
5) trail mix

Five things I would never wear again (not that I wore them all once):
1) oversized shirts
2) baggy pants of ANY kind.
3) garishly-colored "athletic shoes" (sneakers)
4) PF Flyers (don't think they make 'em anymore)
5) Buster Brown shoes (for OBVIOUS

Good stuff.

Stay safe and enjoy "the cool" down there.

Anonymous said...

You don't know that! All I can say is "pink ruffled dress" :)

B :)

ms nk rey said...

B that is just flat mean I know who you are you should be very afraid..