Tuesday, July 3, 2012

good and bad

Good News: I have very little damage from the storm.
Bad News:  Lives were lost from the storm
Good News: I have air conditioning
Bad News:  Some are still with out power
Please just keep this in mind as you go on about your day and interact with other people.  Try to remember as you go through your day, that the people you encounter maybe going through something eventful/tragic/life changing to them and it matters to them. You never know what the other person is going through and don't judge their attitude or feeling, they are real to them. What isn't a big deal to you maybe a huge deal to them.  I have been reminded of this many times within this past week. My 'normal' isn't the next persons normal. The point is everyone is dealing with something and it is real to them and even if we think it is small it is huge to them. Be kind.


CWMartin said...

A friend's father lives not too far from us. His neighbors on the other side of the street have power. He was told he'd be out till probably Wednesday night. Its very easy to forget to pray for others once your AC kicks on.

Bob G. said...

MY feelings for those without during this storm really hasn'tchanged.
Many are ophysically challenged or seniors that have needed some sort of help for too long, and they've been ignored for the same amount of time.
What bothers me is when it takes a SERIOUS situation to get others motivated into action.

We should all be like that when things are normal, but that's just what I think.

Every day can be a big deal...to someone...at some time.

Good post.

Stay safe (and stay cool) down there.

Joanne said...

Kindness and empathy...something that is seriously needed now-a-days. Hope all get their power back.
Blessings, Joanne