Friday, July 13, 2012

5 on Friday

1. If you could change one life-changing event in the life of someone important to you, would you?
No. Life changing events are, just that. LIFE CHANGING. Things happen as a direct consequence of your actions, and who are we to change that?

2. Which do you think is easier to do, being friends for many years, or being life partners for many years?
Both are difficult. Life partners have the shorter end of the stick as in you have to be compatible emotionally, mentally and sexually. But friendships also take a lot of work, so neither are easy.

3. Have you ever walked away from someone you considered a friend?
Many times. All of which were difficult decisions to make at the time, but I'm much happier and healthier for doing so. I've seen a few of these people since and they're just as toxic now as they were twenty years ago, so I'm glad with my decision.

4. If you had to choose between telling the truth and hurting a friend or lying and making them happy, which would you choose?
It depends on what we are talking about. If she ask me if I liked her dress and it was dreadful, I would lie and say it was lovely. But if she asked me something really important I would probably tell her the truth even if it hurt.

5. Which would you rather hear--the truth which will hurt, or the comforting lie?
I suppose the truth as you can't learn from lies, you can't progress your life through lies and you can't grow as a person if you're constantly being lied to.


Anonymous said...

1)Yes, I definitely would.
2)Being friends for many yrs. I have severl good friends I have had since childhood & its been very easy to be friends with them.
3)Yes, several times. The ones I have stayed away from were never my friends to begin with or so I believe now.
4)I will always tell them the truth. Its who I am. I will never, ever lie to a friend.
5)The truth everytime.

Bob G. said...

let's see....

1) There is always that pall of the "unintended consequences" hanging over you to deal with...either way.
That's a tough call to make and I don't know if I should.

2) I think both are fine...if you can manage them, and byu that I mean feel comfortable enough in YOUR OWN SKIN...first.

3) No, but they did it with me...dunno why. Tried to offer an olive branch, but so dice.

4) Better to tell the truth and lets the chips fall, than LIE and later be called out for being UNtruthful.

5) As much as I would enjoy being lied to to comfort me, I've been lied to by PROS...and suffered the fates following.
Gimme the truth, the WHOLE truth...and we'll go from there.

Sounds like a good start to the weekend.

Take care and stay safe (and cool) down there.