Friday, July 27, 2012

5 on Friday

1. What did you have for breakfast today?
Haven't eaten it yet! But I will probably have some oatmeal. 

 2. What chore do you hate the most?
Altho I no longer do chores I would say Mopping, because it seems so futile! Or raking leaves, because as soon as I think I'm done more always fall and I have to do it again, and where I grew up snow usually fell before all the leaves were down.

3. Do you have a lucky piece? If yes, give details.
Weirdly, though I have a lot of compulsive actions I do for luck (or just to feel right), I don't have any lucky objects. 

 4. Describe one of the best laughs you have ever had.
Too hard to pick one! I hang out with a lot of hilarious people. 

 5. What song always manages to cheer you up?
A little Cee lo Green, and you know which one, yep that one, and maybe something like Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen


CWMartin said...

1. Pepsi, breakfast of champions.
2.I don't know if I hate it, but I avoid running the dishwasher, usually pleading ignorance and avoiding instruction.
3.Not lucky or otherwise in about 10 years...oops, you meant... oh, embarrassment.
4.Too many to pick out, usually inflicted on my son.
5. Manilow- Daybreak!

Bob G. said...


1) COFFEE...and then bran flakes and toast (today).

2) Chasing trespassers off the property (is that a chore or a DUTY?)
Actually, cleaning WINDOWS!!

3) I carry a starfleet insignia pin whenever I drive the car.(seemed to work for the last 30

4) Seeing Steve Martin LIVE at the old Latin Casino in NJ, during the late 1970s...damn near pissed myself (as did those we were with)!

5) Not a song really, but the William Tell Overture ALWAYS gets me motivated (and that gets me happy)
And lots of Neil Diamond works for me, too.

Great list.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Stay safe down there.