Friday, October 19, 2012

5 on Friday

1. You’re RICH! For a day, then it’s gone. What do you do?
Well, I never really have been one for cross dressing. But for one day I can be Richard (I prefer full names, no nicknames). I am pretty sure my people might get a little confused, but what the is really none of their business!
2. Why do all superheroes wear spandex?
To show off all the bulging body parts that really should be kept a secret. Who knew Batman's nipples were so big?
3. You can be anyone (dead, alive, past or present) for one day. Who would it be, and why?
I would have to be Princess Diana. Is the Queen really as much of a bore as she appears? Or does she, in complete secrecy, drink wine, swing from chandeliers, tell dirty jokes?
4. If you have chocolate, rope, a wood screw and a fish, what do you have? fondue swinging from the chandelier in the Queen's private chambers. (see #3)
5. Who were you in a past life?
I was probably a cat. I really enjoy lazing about and pretending to look busy! Plus, I like to be groomed before I go anywhere!


Bob G. said...


1) If I were (that) rich for ONE DAY, I'd probably have a damn CORONARY and drop the hell dead, so all the days following wouldn't matter so much...LOL.

2) Batman's been known to adapt KEVLAR instead...and IRON MAN well, that's self-explanatory (it's really a Titanium composite ALLOY)

3) Damn shame you didn't include FICTONAL characters there...then I'd have an answer!

4) If I have chocolate, wouldn't worry about the rest, really.

5) SOmeone who apparently pissed a ton of people off, because I seem to be STILL paying for it in THIS life...LOL.

Good list.

Have a marvelous weekend.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1. Buy everything! Then pawn it all the next day to get the money back.
2. Because back when Reed Richards invented "unstable molecules" fabric (y'know, so the Torch didn't burn up so many unis and the invisble girl didn't just get called the headless girl), spandex was all the rage.
3. I'd be the person that gave me the money in question one!
4. a rope, a wood screw, a fish, and a full belly.
5. an unsuccessful warrior for a small country that got beat around a lot.

Joanne said...

Rich for one day? I would BUY BUY BUY. Then I'd CRY CRY CRY. ;0)
Great post
Blessings, Joanne