Monday, August 31, 2009

Autumn Part 2

I am really not sad to say it but summer will end soon now when the leaves change color here in Indiana, I start having an insane love affair with all things fall...

~Homemade soups & stews

~Decorating my house and yard with ghosts & goblins

~My favorite television shows come back

~My 3 son's birthday’s!

~Carving pumpkins
Autumn is I think my favorite time of year. Mother Nature puts on a beautiful show for us. There is a nip in the air and a warm cozy feeling of being inside. The scent of wood smoke in a fireplace on a chilly evening can stir fond memories of times spent with family and friends sharing stories and laughter around a bonfire or hearth. Autumn is the time of the Equinox, the 'equal night' when dark and light share the earth in equal times. It's a time of balance. Perhaps a good time for us to reflect on the state of balance in our own lives. Autumn gives the Earth a chance to flaunt her special beauty as she brings us the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yes, I love Autumn, no matter what part of the country you happen to live in, it's a great time to be alive. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Now you've gone and got me all mostalgic for those autumns in PA...the foods, the fragranfces, the's ALL good!

Indiana doesn't do that bad, either...!
