Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to Peel an Egg for Dummies

I certainly hope old Gomer didn't blow germs all over the egg. And research? OMG!! It's a boiled egg for Heaven's sake!

1 comment:

Bob G. said...


WHat is it with the "blowing" thing?
I don't need to ENTERTAIN myself when I peeling a frigging HARD-BOILED EGG, for God's sake!

I just drop them on the counter, roll them under my hand, and VOILE!

"De shell it be comin' off, man!"
(he said in a Jamaican accent)

Next, we'll be seeing "Vince" (of slap-chop/Shamwow fame) promoting some new electric insta-peeler...JUST for eggs (and kiwi fruit).

Only $19.95....

Billy Mays, you left us WAY too soon!
