Wednesday, August 26, 2009


In my years of People watching I have come up with the following different types of People. These are just my definition, there are many more that I have saved for another day. But these are the main ones who have been or are in my life. *sigh*

(1) The Instigator: starts a fight to intentionally pi$$ others off then leaves, or stands back and eggs everyone on.
(2) The Debate Club Student: Has a rational well thought out rebuttal on any given topic.
(3) The A$$hole: The a$$hole always flies off the handle at any opportunity. He loves when someone disagrees with him so he can have a chance to insult, intimidate, agitate or just plain degrade someone. Sometimes the A$$hole plays the role of instigator. He is an expert on sports.
(4) The Bitch: She is the female version of the A$$hole but more, well, bitchy. She generally hates and disagrees with everything anyone else has to say.
(5) The Complete Dumba$$: This guy does not know how to spell or write a coherent sentence and I can just picture him poking and pecking the oddly placed letters in front of him while he scratches his head or his a$$. He provides some of the better entertainment without even realizing it.
(6) Mr. /Mrs.Know it All: Has an answer to everything and is an authority on almost anything. He/She believes that he/she will make a difference in the world some day. He/She is very much on the straight and narrow and takes life a little too seriously sometimes. ( This is the worst kind IMHO)
(7) Actual Person in Distress: This person ACTUALLY needs help or guidance hoping that someone will be there to help them with some major situation in their life. They are usually disappointed when Mr. A$$hole, Mrs. Bitch and Mr. Sarcastic laugh at their poor fortune. However, they can always find an answer and sympathy from Mr./Mrs. Know it All.
(8) Mr./Mrs. Sarcasm: Lives solely to provide sarcastic responses to everyone mentioned above and provide a good laugh for everyone.
(9) Mr./Mrs. Sensitive: Takes life WAY too seriously. Gets very easily agitated and Mr. A$$hole LOVES to pick on this person.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...


Another fine set of observations.

I have to admit that I have a touch of #2 with a side order of #8...(but you knew that, right?)

Actually, in my times of people-watching, I find that we all, at some time, have displayed miniscule amounts of everyone mentioned...
And hopefully, we LEARNED from those experiences...and have not repeated them since...!

Very nice post, indeed.
