Saturday, August 22, 2009


I worry

I worry a lot.

If you ever met me face to face you may not get that I am a worrier.

I am VERY good at coming across as a glass half full sort of lady.

Luckily you don’t have to see me face to face and lucky for me

I can come here and unload all my dirty dark secrets.

And the fact that I worry is one of them.

I worry about everything, mostly about things over which I have no control, which makes my worrying even dumber.

So how do I stop? So what do I do?

I know it is a waste of energy, I know it is stupid.

But my heart does not control my brain and my brain just keeps worrying away.

How do I turn the worry off?

I lose sleep to worry.

I remember the phrase “Let go and Let God” from Al-anon.

I am willing to do that. But how do I do that?

How do I shut the worry off?


Katie said...

It is hard, but you just have to trust that God will take care of you. You have to have 100% complete faith that God is looking out for you and He has your best interests in mind. You should pray that God will take your worry away, and help you learn to let it go. "'Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.'" John 14:1. As humans we worry about things because we feel like we have control over them, but God is in control of everything, which is something that we all need to remember. He already knows the outcome of any thing you're worrying about. Everything happens for a reason, and worrying about something won't change the outcome of it. I would encourage you to pray and spend more time reading your Bible. And i will pray for you too. Remember: God is bigger than any problem you're worrying about!

springtime36 said...

Well written,Katie....Very good thinking,and your comments would be hard to beat!I know you watch over Gram's, and that is a good thing!She is special in my heart.

ms nk rey said...

I love you Sweet Baby Girl.

Katie said...

I love you too Gram!!

Bob G. said...

Katie makes some VERY good points,(and I've spent my time behind the pulpit and teaching Sunday School),but allow me to come at this from another perspective.

I'm ALSO classified as a "worrier"....BUT...after all these years, I also know that (like you) there will ALWAYS be things I have NO CONTROL over, so I don't give THEM my "attention".

Many times, what I find to be true is that we confuse CONCERN with WORRY.

It's fine to be CONCERNED about one's health, or finances, or whether the front door was locked before going to bed, and you act accordingly to resolve the issue.

It's when we DWELL upon that concern that it turns to WORRY.
When we have done all we can to address a problem, that's the end of it.
It's when we refuse to "give up" on whatever that item was that was causing us CONCERN that it turns to WORRY.
And we can't change that one WILL change US,however.

Being a CONCERNED person is what gives us strength and motivates us into action.

Worrying can only lead to INACTION.

When we divorce one from the other, you'll find yourself in a lot better control of a lot more situations (the ones that CONCERN you, as opposed to the ones that are worrying you).
And you'll be happier you let those things that USED to worry you fall by the wayside.

Hope this helps in some works for me.

Keep the Faith.
