Friday, November 27, 2009


The average American woman is 5'4", weighs 140 lbs, and wears a size 14 dress.

One-third of all American women wear a size 16 or larger.

75% of American women are dissatisfied with their appearance.

50% of American women are on a diet at any one time.

Young girls are more afraid of becoming fat than they are of nuclear war, cancer, or losing their parents.

50% of 9-year-old girls and 80% of 10-year-old girls have already dieted.

The "ideal" woman--portrayed by models, Miss America, Barbie dolls, and screen actresses, is 5'7", weighs 100 lbs, and wears a size 8.

These statistics make me flat crazy, if our average size is 14 why are there not models in our size? Why are there not more actresses on TV our size? What? There are you say? Yep they are on there and are doing commercials to try Nutri System or Jenny Craig, I guess so they won’t be average any more. I wish that we could just live in a world where our size didn’t determine our worth. That you could just be you and not have to worry about if you are a size 2 or a size 22.

But honestly it's time that we start realizing that if the average size of a woman is 14 and up then we should all be very happy and we shouldn't all be worrying that we need to go on a diet, because hell we have set the mark, we are the AVERAGE size so we don’t have any thing to worry about!!! According to the statistics the average woman is only 5'4" and well I'm taller than that and I sure as hell am not going to try to find a way to shrink I'm learning and hope so many others learn that sometimes we shoot for unrealistic goals or sizes for ourselves, or we get influenced by what we see on TV or in magazines. Don’t get down on yourself because you’re not a size 2! Love who you are and be the best you, you can be, no matter what your size!


Bob G. said...

I've heard for YEARS that it all depends on the MAKER of the clothing (for women)...sizes are never "true".

One thing I noticed is that MENS clothes are also not exempt...
I "used" to be able to buy a small (waist 28-30)....
Hey, I'm only 5'7" and 145 lbs...not bad for all that eatin'...and all those years...LOL.

But I can't find anything that is NOT smaller then 30 inches for a MAN'S waist...ANd I can't do a boy's LARGE (18-20) anymore...dammmit!
Call me a "tween"...LMAO!
(caught TWEEN a rock and a hard place for clothes)

And you better check those 30 inchers to make sure they're not really 32 inches...
I like my size.
I just wish that the CLOTHIERS felt the same way.

Good post.

Have a great weekend.

h said...

"The "ideal" woman--portrayed by models, Miss America, Barbie dolls, and screen actresses, is 5'7", weighs 100 lbs, and wears a size 8"
So, I'm thinking Tyra Banks just had her "petite models" season of America's Next Top Model, where they consider 5'7" to be rather short. Models tend to be 5'9" (and above) and a size 0-4. NOT a size 8. Sample/runway sizes are *never* a size 8!

It's probably proving your point a little more, but I'm just confused why you would say a model would be 5'7". That's tiny.