Friday, November 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

Dear Radios stations, it is not even Thanksgiving knock off the Christmas music.

Dear people, who don’t know how to merge, read a frickin drivers handbook.

Dear Halloween candy, don’t you hear the Christmas music? You need to get out of my house pronto.

Dear Sammy Sosa, you don’t live at Neverland Ranch.

Dear Mother Nature, Some sunshine please.

Dear Daylight Savings time, I miss you. Getting dark at 5 pm is just not right.

Dear driver, blinkers are not an accessory they actually work. Use em.

Dear Michelle Duggar, Can life with 18 kids be that great?

Dear People who make sexy home movies, keep your clothes on if you don’t want them leaked to the public (are you listening celebrities?)

Dear H1N1, I hear you knocking but you can’t come in.

Dear Hoosier Lottery, how about you cut me a break? I would love you forever.

Dear Veterans, Thank you for all you did and for all you do.

Dear Winter, can you hurry and get here so I can stop shaving my legs?

Dear Jon Gosselin, quit being such a douche enough already.


Bob G. said...

Can you make three copies of that and forward them to me...?
(I have some of those "letters" to send out myself)
...and nix for me on the leg-shaving!

Have a great weekend.

ms nk rey said...

Sometimes I am ashamed at how cranky I am. But then I am so good at it. Glad you enjoyed them. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.

Bob G. said...

You're NOT cranky, dang it...
You're just exercising your right to get chessed off at stupid people...that's all.

Nothing wrong with that.
Hell, I practice it DAILY, not that I really WANT to...LOL!

Catch 'ya on the FLIP side...!

Anonymous said...

Hee Hee....You are obviously having far too much fun!