Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stop the Violence and Let the healing begin.

Thursday we had the brutal shooting at the Ford Hood military base in Texas that's left 12 dead so far and 31 wounded.

Today Orlando is dealing with a similar problem. A gunman opened fire in an engineering firm, injuring at least six people and killing two!!!

The gunman is 40-year-old Jason Rodriguez, who was let go from his job at Reynolds Smith & Hill, a transportation engineering consulting firm in the building, more than two years ago.

Rodriguez got away but, thankfully, police apprehended him after the shooting.


Bob G. said...

You have to give that female police sgt. kudos for taking down that major while SHE was being shot 3 times herself...

THAT lady IS what an AMERICAN is all about.

ms nk rey said...

She certainly is a HERO. Thanks for pointing that out Bobby G. :) I am in shock at all this senseless killing.