Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Negative People

I have negative people in my life. To be honest I mostly avoid them. But sometimes I can’t for one reason or another. They are like Black Holes that suck the life out of me. I try to stay positive and strong but they ooze negativity and it drains me and I feel exhausted and sometimes a bit depressed. Maybe you refer to them by the sob sister, the drama queen or king, the blamer. When I am exposed to one of them I become tense and on my guard. I can’t wait to get away from them and I can feel my energy drain from me. The worst offender to me is the person who complains and complains but never actually does anything to change things. The old “keep doing what you’re doing, keep getting what you get”.

Energy Vampires (fun suckers) will appear in your life. I think the goal is to learn to deal with them before they appear. If you don’t they will suck the life right out of you with out even realizing it.

What is it about us Human beings that we can only see the negative in others? The negative in situations, the faults. We are all so ready to run people down, see the worst in each other. This causes us to become very negative people. We become bitter, angry and stressed.

Here are a few things I try to do, and I stress TRY to be more positive in my outlook and conversations with others.

  1. See only the good in yourself and others.
  2. Write down what I am good at.
  3. listen to my words
  4. Hang out with positive people.
  5. watch only upbeat tv programs and movies
  6. give positive feedback to friends and family
  7. be happy and smile

I am learning to think positive thoughts.

I know every one is fighting their own battle with life. I am. But I don’t think that gives any one the right to stomp on others dreams and happiness.


Anonymous said...

Just what I needed today.. thanks you really hit it out of the park with this entry.

Bob G. said...

I tend to have negative tendencies from time to time (nah, say it ain't so, Bob)...and I (personally) feel that it sharpens my "inner person"...to a degree.

The last thing I want to be in my life (or anyone else's) is an electric wet blanket...(yikes).
Any negativity I have just reenforces my resolve to SEEK the positive.

And although I also "try", I want to really be more like YODA in that regard.
"There is DO...or DO NOT. There is no TRY"

If I could live 900 YEARS (like Yoda).,..maybe I'd get there (BIG maybe)...LOL

Thanks for the "positive".