Thursday, November 19, 2009

Feel Good

I have been thinking ways to avoid the over-commercialization of Christmas this year. Donating food is a GREAT way to make a difference in your community. I really like the idea of presenting a loved one with a card telling them that a family has had a warm meal "in your name”

Each community has a food bank and with the recession I am sure they would be delighted to get a nice donation from you.

So clean your cupboards, pick up an extra can and DONATE, they even accept money to purchase dairy and produce.

Wal mart is selling turkey for 40¢ a pound. Buy one and donate it to a soup kitchen.

Practice now, Thanksgiving is next week. So donate food, supplies or your time. You will feel good.

Seems like a no-brainer to me..


Anonymous said...

I volunteered at a 'shelter' one Thanksgiving,and a local grocery chain donated 142 frozen turkeys. We had turkey stored all over town! But everyone ate well!

Bob G. said...

It's all about getting "back to basics" with our fellow man (or woman).
We used to call it being CHARITABLE.
Guess what?
It STILL works.

Good post!

ms nk rey said...

*Thank You*~
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